I found the service and was in a pinch w/closing 9 days out. They had a new form & my state was not listed in the dropdown. I was questioned via email that same day which State, and I responded. However the service never got my response, the following Monday 5 days later 3 business days it was Presidents Day, so that day went down the tubes. Made contact via phone the following day explained gave a sit rep and was assured we would have it n time 4 the paper work 2 be done 4 the closing, closing was 3 days out I needed it before 9AM the day before. I felt communication was poor as I was n the dark for those last 48 hours and it was not fun. With all this said the service came through @ the wire, I received my DD214 @ 1800hrs, with only 15 hours 2 spare before we would have had to move the closing. We R now N our new home and very happy. My case was unique with some crazy circumstances but N da end they produced & did what they said they would, My wife and I, R very thankful we found them!
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |